Trauma Glitches

Taylor A. Swift*! My memory is truly shit. Whole conversations or random pieces of information have failed to back up in my memory as if they never existed. The only trail that these moments occurred is proof in text. Thank Taylor* for that. Otherwise I would have no recollection. I would ask “what is that?!” but I already know what it is. It’s grief. It is also partially due to the fact that I am bandaging my grief in light substance abuse.

I’m not someone who does any sort of hard drug. My previous vices were alcoholism and prescription pills that did not have my name on the bottle. I didn’t think the second was an issue until my husband asked me how I slept so “soundly.”

“I could not wake you up. Why?” he had asked.

I had to then explain that one of my co-workers had given me her extra muscle relaxers, to which I then held captive in my sock drawer. As the explanation left my mouth I already knew that was a problem. Normal people don’t do things like that. We promptly discarded them (safely) after our conversation. So, whenever Charlie or I were prescribed heavy duty meds they were made aware. After that, they weren’t a problem.

Prior to meeting my husband I quickly spiraled into an alcoholic. At the time it didn’t make sense why, but after my “Soundtrack of My Life” project it became apparent that I had gone through some heavy-duty trauma that I neglected to address. Instead I buried it and took it onto the next relationship that ultimately added to the stockpile of depression. Therefore the only conclusion my 17 year old mind concluded was a “brilliant plan” was to drink. And I did, until my husband came along and said what I was doing was illegal and was going to ruin my life. He said he would not drink if I too stopped. We would do it together. It was easier for him than me, however I still got sober and stayed that way until somewhere around my 20th birthday. Then I drank a toxic concoction at a Halloween Party which made me utterly sick that I ended up puking all over Charlie’s car.

Liquor and I have had a bad relationship from the start. I want to desperately get drunk, and forget, and it likes to take it’s time until I am so overwhelmed that I am hammered to the point I black out.

I did that the other evening.

It’s amazing how quickly one falls into old destructive patterns. It resulted in making very unwise and dangerous decisions that, in sobriety, I could hear Charlie’s voice at the back of my mind, clear as day, say: that I need to set limits or I will kill myself. That would absolutely go against his wishes that I “live a long and happy life.”

The issue though is I ache. Even with antidepressants I have a constant smoldering pile of embers in the pit of my chest, burning for my husband. He has been with me for near 21 years of my life… him not being here is jarring, no matter how hard I attempt to suppress that truth.

I am completely out of my comfort zone. I have to deal with these feelings uninhibited or “assisted” but I genuinely don’t know how. Nor will my mind let me. It is truly a sight to behold when I bury my hurt subconsciously. It’s like a seasoned magician performing mundane slight of hand.

The primary reason I want to deal is because I can’t live with my life taking moments of my life and erasing them. I pride myself on my memory and not being able to do that will cause me more stress than not addressing the hurt I have.

*One of my favorite stand-up bits was George Carlin’s piece about praying to Joe Pesci. I loved it so much that I adopted it into my life with using “Albus Dumbledore” in the place of other fantastical beings. This was before we learned that Row-Row is missing an oar from her boat. So I have changed faiths and now pray to Tay-Tay.

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